Educated people contribute to the betterment of the nation and society. In addition, school education plays a vital role in developing the overall personality of an individual. We all understand the importance of schooling and education. That’s why we are ready to send our children to premier institutions and pay higher fees. Why is schooling important for an individual child?

Why Schooling?

Education starts at our home and then continues to school. School brings children together and fosters communication and interaction. But, receiving education at home from parents is an informal one. So, we need schools to receive formal education. Why are schools important?

Is School Important?

School is important for an individual. It helps the students to excel in academics. Schools are responsible for the holistic development of a child. It teaches the students about cultural diversity and moral values like honesty, respect, integrity, harmony, etc. Schools train children and make them confident enough to deal with specific situations. Through schools, a person makes life-long friends. It also helps in the mental and physical growth of an individual. School education aims at developing cognitive abilities and generating curiosity in the minds of students to learn more and more. As a result, schools have caused a tremendous change in the learning process. They have caused a shift from bookish knowledge to practical learning and learning by doing.

Why is Early Childhood Education Important?

Today, educated people know the importance of early childhood education and encouraging others to go to school. The education system is responsible for creating future citizens of tomorrow amongst young children. Still, the need is vast to make people aware of improving early childhood education. According to the studies conducted by Unesco, there are 258 million children and youth who are not attending their classes. On the other hand, millions of other students receive education as only a means to attain. As a result, they are not learning expeditiously.

Why is Technology Important in Education?

Technology has vast benefits in the field of education. ICT in education can help improve teaching and learning processes. Many teachers still adopt old teaching methods and do not use new technology. But, many innovative educators realize that technology has led to many innovative teaching methods in the classrooms. It has made the teaching-learning process easier. The importance of technology in education are as follows:

Educational resources and tools become accessible from anywhere, anytime. The teaching-learning process and its outcome improve with technology in the classroom. Students’ retention power improves with interactive learning. Students learn in their comfort zone. Technology helps to foster skills of research among students. The logical ability and reasoning skills of students are developing faster. Students become more confident with ICT in education and new tools. Many barriers to education are not a big problem today.

Technology not only provides numerous benefits to the students, but it is also conducive for educators worldwide. For example, through technology –

Teachers can create and access virtual lesson plans. The learning environment can help all educators. Online assessments become possible. School management and grading software help generate and share results with parents and students. Educational apps help host online classes and meetings with parents. And much more.

Now, you know how important is technology in education. Learn can online schools deliver the same outcome.

Why is Physical Education Important?

Apart from academics, physical education is essential in the life of students. We can’t overlook the importance of physical education. It creates healthy living and helps students to remain fit. In addition, physical education helps in the students’ physical development. Álvarez-Bueno, Pesce, and others conducted 26 studies in 2017 on 10,205 students aged 4 to 13 years and showed the positive impact of physical activity on students’ academics and classroom behavior. Similarly, in 2021, a study conducted on 2101 students by Takehara, Togoobaatar, Kikuchi, and others indicates academic achievements among students who participated in an exercise program. Again, the results were positive. As per these studies, it was clear that physical education positively impacts students’ academic achievements. Therefore, if students participate in physical activities, their academic results and classroom behavior automatically improve. Various physical activities bring many positive effects on children’s health that confirm the importance of physical education at schools:

Develops a healthy body and mind Improves focus and concentration Controls quality sleep and sleeping hours Enhances flexibility and creates happiness Reduces stress and anxiety levels Reduces monotony and dullness

Why is Music Education Important?

Music education is not only for music lovers. It is for every child on the earth. They should be encouraged to learn music like other subjects and arts. It is because music has the power to connect people globally. We can’t count the benefits of music in the classroom. Singing a song, listening to music, and dancing to a favorite song has numerous benefits that help formal learning. The importance of music education in the classroom is as follows.

Music helps build connections and improve language capabilities. Music helps in brain development and cognitive abilities. Music increases IQ level and memory power. Music inspires creativity. Music teaches self-discipline to children. Music is an excellent stress buster. Music improves spatial intelligence.

Now you better know why music education is important at schools.

What is the Importance of Parental Involvement in Education?

Family and parents play a very crucial role in educating a child. Parental involvement in education is essential. They start educating a child right from birth. According to studies, 65% of a child’s personality development occurs in 0-6 years of age.

The Effects of Parental Involvement in Education

The child learns from the family during infancy, so the family’s place is of utmost importance. In addition, the attributes that children imbibe from their parents lead to the success and growth of children during their schooling years. But, children who have personality and behavior disorders struggle with adaptation problems during their school years. Accordingly, we have bifurcated the topics to help the parents understand their role: Education is a continuous and never-ending process. So, let’s understand the two critical points mentioned above:

1. Common Mistakes in Family Education

Parents should treat children as individuals, and most parents do not do. It is the most prominent mistake they make. When parents do not treat their children as individuals, it undoubtedly develops behavioral disorders despite being correct. So, the children inhibit the personal characters of their parents instead of themselves. It leads to a negative impact on their academics and personalities. Therefore, be cautious not to interfere unnecessarily.

Possessive behavior Do not be too possessive and anxious all the time. Do not see the outside world as the enemy of your child. Being too possessive hampers the growth and social development of your child. Limited interactions with their friend circle can make a child nerd or dork. Impose your goals Another mistake the parents make is forcing their children to accomplish those goals they failed to achieve. As parents, you must think that children have their interests and goals. So, why force them? Instead, let children set their own goals and give the proper guidance to achieve them. Not pay proper attention As a parent, you should not leave the children altogether. However, do not show a lack of affection and love. Instead, keep a regular check, control the child’s activities, and motivate them to complete their tasks and responsibilities. Unnecessary comparison Never compare a child with any other child because every child is born unique. It is the most common mistake that parents usually make. Comparison creates a sense of anger, anxiety, and stress amongst children, which is unhealthy. Encouragement may help children to set and achieve a goal. Unnecessary comparison with other children will never solve the problem. Never realize own mistakes Another significant mistake is blaming a child for failure. Some parents question the child, not themselves.

2. Family Education and Attitudes

To focus on the mistakes discussed above, we have also listed the corrective actions. In addition, we are mentioning the importance of parental involvement in education as under: Psychological development The child’s psychosocial development should be looked upon and informed. German-American psychologist Eric Erickson proposed eight stages of psychological development from infancy to adulthood. Each stage has distinct development goals and conflicts. So, He argues to resolve these conflicts in each stage. Enjoy Childhood Let the child enjoy his childhood. Do not use the statements such as “You are grown up now” or “You are not a child.” Instead, let him play, move, run, smell, touch, talk, make noise, dirty himself in the soil, and live to the fullest. Peaceful family Create a peaceful family atmosphere so that his educational and holistic development does not hamper. Do not argue with the child or do violence. Instead, use love cards to explain and teach him the difference between right and wrong. Healthy communication Healthy communication plays a significant role in the development of the child. Therefore, the family members should have a common understanding, interaction, harmony, and communication. Now, you know the importance of family involvement in education.

Why After School Activities Are Important?

If the parents become aware of the importance of education, then they will undoubtedly make their children educated to become successful in life. Therefore, the future citizens of tomorrow must possess enough knowledge and education to lead a healthy and balanced life. Proper use of technology in education and other resources also significantly contributes to the learning phase. Therefore, both parents and educators should teach children how to effectively utilize these resources, tools, and technology. Now let’s understand the importance of school education.

Why is Schooling Important?

The importance of schooling is because the school curriculum covers the following aspects of a child’s growth and holistic development.

Mental Ability

A School acts as a hub of knowledge and education. Students learn about literature, languages, mathematics, science, cultures, people around us, politics, history, geography, and others. These disciplines foster thinking and logical reasoning ability. All these subjects increase their cognitive skills. So, in this way, schooling increases mental ability.


In school, children learn various subjects in the English medium. English is chosen as a native language to remove linguistic barriers and create one common background. The school teaches English and mathematics as the primary subjects. Science, social studies, humanities, commerce, economics, and physical education are other subjects. Amongst these subjects, students choose one for their career achievement and further studies. Schools are considered the best place to receive a formal education. It leads to both academic and mental growth. It opens the door for future opportunities and jobs. In addition, the school prepares students to achieve the confidence to deal with all kinds of challenges and situations ahead.

Learning Differences and Recognizing Similarities

Through schooling, students excel in academics, but they also learn to understand things better. In addition, the school teaches harmony and inculcates the value of togetherness as most people come from different backgrounds and study under one roof. School removes differences and teaches oneness. It helps us break superstitions and orthodox nature. It teaches us to fight together against social problems like hunger, poverty, sickness, gender inequality, dowry, etc. Togetherness leads to the elimination of these problems. Students learn the diversity (culture, religion, and belief) and live together with peace and brotherhood in their schools.

Vocal and Confident

The schooling instills confidence and the ability to speak with each other. A student becomes vocalized in terms of ideas and thoughts. A child learns something new every day. School teaches us to question why and how? Students learn about weather conditions, day and night, climate, pollution, etc., in their school. Therefore, when a child gains knowledge, he understands the concept and the science behind all these factors. Through schooling, a child becomes more informed and confident. He gets aware of the happenings in the world. School teaches him to form interactions and become socialized. After acquiring knowledge and learning, he can fight for his rights and abide by the duties.

Social Life

The schooling fosters communication skills and helps children in socializing. In school, children make friends and learn moral values – love, care, sharing, helping each other, friendship, empathy, participation, and more. Schooling is not only for education but also for social learning. There, students meet other children of the same age group. They interact with each other and step into a different social life. It teaches them values that would make them better citizens.


The school creates friends. Life is incomplete without them. When you learn with classmates and make friends, specific life-long memorable incidents arise with them. These memories are created just because of school. The school helps create and plan trips and outings that make learning fun. School friends are life-long friends. You play together, share, and learn together. Therefore, schooling and school friends are the best part of your life.

Physical Development

The process of physical development occurs at every age. However, a school is the best place for these developments. A child effectively utilizes his energy and learns the best behavior only if he studies and plays with the same age group. In addition, the child channelizes his energy in a school by participating in other activities like sports, music, art and craft classes, annual functions, and all conducted. These activities make the child healthy and help use their energy to gain something valuable.

Holistic Development

Unlike traditional teaching methods where students only focussed on bookish knowledge, the new educational concept focus on practical learning and holistic development. It has shifted from the rote learning method to learning-by-doing. Nowadays, a flexible curriculum is followed depending on the students’ needs and interests. The child is allowed to think and boost up his imagination skills. The new learning method generates curiosity amongst children, making the teaching-learning process effective.

Other Reasons Why Are Schools Important

Schools act as a foundation of learning. The school provides a structured environment for learning. The school is responsible for holistic development – physical, mental, and social. Students start analyzing, reading, writing, listening, and thinking. Students gain knowledge of various subjects and the entire world. Students participate and coordinate in different activities. Students become proficient in skills. Students can build life-long relationships with friends. Schools ready us for our whole life. Schools bring stability in life.


What less to talk about schooling? It trains people on how to live a civilized and cultured life. Through teaching differences and similarities it makes them learn how to speak. It also brings confidence and self-discipline among the students. The school makes a person a responsible citizen and seld-disciplined. It provides education for both societies and owns. The school enables students to read, write, speak, and express themselves adequately. Therefore, schooling imbibes knowledge and many values required to be responsible citizens. Moreover, school education shapes people’s personalities and ensures the overall development of children.

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