Destination – Ukraine
As a rule, the search for a performer to outsource a part of an entire project does not rely upon the location but on other important factors as price and quality. By good fortune, Ukraine is considered the destination to balance all three factors. Computer engineers from this eastern European state won the fame of excellent specialists providing high-quality services. Moreover, the price of their work is usually more attractive than representatives of other places on the globe. We won’t beat around the bush but show the actual figures. Thus, a decent Ukrainian IT-specialist costs around $25 an hour. The same rate is observed in India and China. Still, the quality level is unlikely to be the same.
Freelancer or Team
Another essential factor to consider is a type of contractor – either a software development team like ImproveIT solutions or a freelancer. Both options have their pros and cons. Cooperation with a company is a more reliable way to achieve the result. Such scenarios as a delay due to a disease of a developer or miscellaneous adverse situations that affect the production process are eliminated. The company would bear a contractual liability for its actions and strive to provide the best service to earn reputation. A self-employed person also cares about his or her reputation in the labor market. Still, despite the significant cost-effectiveness, the failure risk of the outsourcing of work to a freelancer is higher.
How to Find a Contractor?
Even if you made up your mind regarding the destination and type of contractor for outsourcing, your endeavor would be in the middle of the way. The next step to deal with is the search itself. As a rule, versatile web resources are the best option to complete this task. Ukrainian companies, as well as self-employed specialists, use authoritative websites like Upwork, TopTal, Freelancer, and others to promote their services. Communities and societies dedicated to a certain technology like JS, PHP, RoR, etc. should also be considered in your search.
Is It Safe?
A wide range of US and European software building enterprises have fruitfully outsourced their projects to Ukrainian developers for several years. This trend keeps progressing. So, the safety of your cooperation in undisputed.