1. Don’t Hide Negative Reviews
As a business, you’re not going to be able to please everyone – that’s a fact. From time to time, you’re going to get negative comments and reviews about your products and/or services, whether they are true or not. The best way of dealing with such comments isn’t to delete them but to respond to them in a polite manner to let the public know you’re dealing with the problem (if there is one). This is especially important when you’re advertising on social media. There will always be one previous customer who constantly writes negative comments on your posts. Just show the world that they’re the bad ones.
2. Don’t Argue with Customers
Being in the public eye as a business is challenging. Not only are you never right, but you can’t/shouldn’t argue with customers on social media. Other potential customers will see it as a rude gesture, and you’ll likely never get their custom. Never argue with customers, and you’ll find your social media pages will thrive.
3. Don’t Spam
Spam is one of the biggest killers when it comes to marketing a business. Customers aren’t going to want to see your advertisements constantly filling up their newsfeeds on a daily basis, so don’t do it. Instead, set out a reasonable posting schedule that suits the needs of your business. Try to find the right balance between posting too much and not enough. Also, try to refrain from blatantly advertising your business – also known as the shameless plug.
4. Don’t Paint Your Competitors in a Bad Light
There are ways of competing in the industry without bad-mouthing your competition. Your competition won’t like it, and neither will your customer base. Your customers will find it petty, and technically you’re advertising another company, so it’s pointless even to consider this as a strategy.
5. Don’t Neglect Social Media
Building your brand on social media takes a lot of time and money, but that doesn’t mean you should let your accounts stagnate. While you should never spam your advertisements on social media, you should always be active to show potential customers you’re available when they need you. As long as you’re sensible when it comes to advertising your brand on social media, there’s not a lot that can go wrong. Never spam or paint your competitors in a bad light. Otherwise, your social media marketing campaigns will take a big hit. A hit that could prove to be costly not just in terms of a lack of good advertising, but also the brand of your business itself. There are a lot of ways to market your business better by changing your online lifestyle. Learn more here.